HIV Testing

< Back to Raul's Main Page HIV TESTING:  WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOWTaking an HIV test is the only reliable way to know whether you have HIV. If you have HIV, it's very important that it's diagnosed as soon as possible. That way:You can begin to get the medical care...

Locaciones Para Pruebas De VIH

< Volver a la Página Principal de AJ Dominguez LOCACIONES PARA PRUEBAS DE VIH¿Dónde puede hacerse la prueba del VIH? Puede hacerse la prueba del VIH en muchos lugares:El consultorio de su provedor de atención médicaClínicas de salud o centros de salud comunitariosClínicas de ETS o salud sexualSu departamento de salud...

Fast & Easy HIV Testing

< Back to AJ's Main Page HIV TESTING LOCATIONSWhere Can You Get Tested for HIV?You can get an HIV test at many places:Your health care provider’s officeHealth clinics or community health centersSTD or sexual health clinicsYour local health departmentFamily planning clinicsVA medical centersSubstance abuse prevention or treatment programsMany pharmacies and...