¿- o +? El estado VIH no debería detenerte.

< Volver a la Página Principal de Saszy DelaCruz INDETECTABLE SIGNIFICABA CERO TRANSMISIONES DE VIH DESPUÉS DE 89,000 ACTOS SEXUALES SIN CONDÓNEl estudio PARTNER2 recientemente publicado documentó 77,000 actos sexuales anales sin condón entre hombres con estatus mixto de VIH; Los polos opuestos(Opposites Attract)  tenían 12,000.Se acaba de publicar una...

Status Shouldn’t Stop You!

< Back to Saszy's Main Page "UNDETECTABLE" MEANT ZERO HIV TRANSMISSIONS AFTER 89,000 CONDOMLESS SEX ACTSThe newly released PARTNER2 study documented 77,000 condomless anal sex acts between mixed-HIV-status men; Opposites Attract had 12,000.An enormous trove of evidence has just been released that supports the increasingly solid global consensus that having...

Protecting Others

< Back to Geo's Main Page PROTECTING OTHERSCan I transmit HIV if I have an undetectable viral load?HIV medicine lowers the amount of virus (viral load) in your body, and taking it as prescribed can make your viral load undetectable.Sex PartnersIf your viral load stays undetectable, you have effectively no...

Love with Different Status’

< Back to Celeste's Main Page HIV-DISCORDANT (MIXED-STATUS) COUPLESAre you HIV positive with an HIV-negative partner? Learn about steps you both can take to protect the HIV-negative partner from HIV. Celeste's 2020 Lotería Recap The Main Event: PrEP VS. PEP HIV Self-Tests Love with Different Status' Common Myths About HIV...